Our Goal is for You to Feel Better

With Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, we shift your patterns that cause dis-ease, so that you can heal from the inside out. We are a community acupuncture clinic, a non-profit, whose mission is to make acupuncture care accessible to as many people as possible. We bring healing out of isolation so that our community can get better. We specialize in treating pain, hormone balancing, internal disorders, mental emotional health, stress response, digestive diseases, autoimmune conditions, acute injury, and idiopathic symptoms, all within a trauma informed clinic space.


Benefits of Our Services

a hand with acupuncture needles

Reduce Pain

Studies have shown that acupuncture effectively treats Pain. Reduce inflammation, improve circulation so the body can heal, rewire the brain to overcome chronic pain patterns. Effectively treats back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, knee pain, joint pain and idiopathic pain. Arthritis, acute injures, soft tissue injures all benefit from care.

a Black woman receiving cupping therapy on her upper back

Comprehensive Care

Multifaceted approach based on your needs may include acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, herbal therapy, dietary coaching, movement recommendations and Qi Gong. Massage Therapy also available onsite.

Pregnancy & Fertility

Acupuncture can increase your chances of conception, promote a healthy pregnancy, and support you after giving birth*.


Well Kids

Children get treated gently for tummy aches, ear aches, immunity boosting, teething, and much more, including hard to define issues. Starting as newborns on up.

five bowls full of bitter melon carrots cucumbers and hot peppers set on a table

Healing From the Inside Out

Chronic pain, Trauma, Depression, Digestive concerns, skin issues, Insomnia, Anxiety, Stress Response, all benefit from regular treatment at Chico Community Acupuncture. Healing from the inside out means you gain resiliency, reduce inflamation,

Internal Medicine

Relaxation, reduced pain and muscle soreness, increased energy, and improved alertness are some of the benefits of massage therapy.


Sliding Scale: $45-80 per treatment, $20 initial Patient Fee

All are welcome here.

We strive to make this a safe space for as many people as possible.

Face Masks are recommended. Please do not come if you are feeling acutely sick with a cold or flu.